Soal UTS Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

MATA KULIAH                   : Bahasa Inggris
SEMESTER                            : 1
HARI/TANGGAL UJIAN    : Senin, 21 November 2016
TAHUN AKADEMIK          : 2016-2017
PROGRAM STUDI               : Akuntansi S1, Manajemen S1, Akuntansi D3
                                                : Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Garut
DOSEN                                  : Desi Qoriah, SE. M. Hum
ASISTEN DOSEN                 : Shinta Rizky Amelia

1.      Write the list of Economic Terms (Management/Accounting Terms), atleast 10 terms!
Answer :
1)      Accounts Receivable        = Piutang Dagang
2)      Accured Expense             = Hutang Biaya
3)      Bad Debt Expense           = Beban Kerugian Piutang
4)      Bank Service Charge        = Beban Administrasi Bank
5)      Cost of Goods Sold         = Harga Pokok Penjualan
6)      Common Stock                 = Modal Saham
7)      Dividen Payable                = Hutang Dividen
8)      Depreciaton Expense       = Beban Depresiasi Aktiva Tetap
9)      Fixed Asset                      = Aktiva Tetap
10)  Frieght Paid                     = Beban Angkut Penjualan

2.      Match the economic terms on the left with the meaning on the right :
a.       Accounting           a.  Place of work, task or assigment, reguralrly paid.
b.      Bank                      b.  An account entry with a positive value for assets, and
                                   negative value for liabilities and equity.
c.       Job                         c. Establishment for keeping money, valuabies, etc. Safety.
d.      Credit                    d. Actifities of Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling in
    on organization.
e.       Debit                     e. Property with a cash value that is owned by a bussiness or
f.       Management         f. Selling or being sold, occasion ehen goods are sold at lower
   prices than usual.
g.      Assets                    g. Proces of identifying, measuring and reporting financial
h.      Journal                   h. Rooms or building used as a place of bussiness, esp. For
  clericalor administrative work.
i.        Office                    i. A record where transactions are recorded, also kown as an
j.        Sale                       j. An account entry with a negative value for assets, and
   positive value for liabilities and equity.
            Answer :
A.    Accounting           = G
B.     Bank                      = C
C.     Job                         = H
D.    Credit                    = J
E.     Debit                     = B
F.      Management         = D
G.    Assets                    = E
H.    Journal                   = I
I.       Office                    = A
J.       Sale                       = F

3.      A. Make three sentences by using Simple Present Tense!
Answer :
1)      She plays Badminton in every morning
2)      I get discount 25% for minimarket.
3)      He works in the post office.
B. Make a positive, negative, interogative sentence of nominal and verbal sentence!
Answer :
          VERBAL                                              NOMINAL                                        
(+) I Study English                                (+) I am Pretty girl
( -) I don’t study English                       (- ) I am not Pretty girl
(?) Do I study English?                         (?) Do I pretty girl?

4.      A. Arrangge the sentences below become a good prosedure text  :
-          Third, put the tomato sauce
-          First, prepare the materials and tools.
-          Then, add salad, cheese, egg, and mayonnaise.
-          Second, place a slice of bread on the plate
-          After that, put a lice of bread on the top.
Answer :
1)      First, prepare the materials and tools.
2)      Second, place a slice of bread on the plate
3)      Then, add salad, cheese, egg, and mayonnaise.
4)      Third, put the tomato sauce
5)      After that, put a lice of bread on the top.
B. Make the title of that procedure text !
     Answer :
5.      What have you known about application letter and curicullum vitae?
Answer :
Application letter to someone use for apply for a job and curicullum vitae is a identity someone for equip application letter.
6.      Correct the verb in the brackets become past simple tense :
a.       My class...(practice) job interview last week.
Answer : Practiced ( Verb 2)
b.      Our lecturer...(give) us task to make application letter.
Answer : Gave
c.       ...(do) you attend the additional meeting?
Answer : Did
d.      Mr, Danang...(teach) cost accounting last semester.
Answer : Taught

7.      Do you know football player Cristiano Ronaldo?Describe about him!
Answer :
Cristiano Ronaldo a famous football player, He plays in Real Madrid football team, He is 26 years old. His birthday is on 5th February, He comes from purtugal, He’s got a brother and two sisters, He’s handsome, He’s got brown hair and brown eyes, He’s 185 cm tall, He can run very fast and He scores many goals. He favourite number is 7. His favourite colour is red, He likes foods fish and chips and drinks coca-cola.


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